Saturday, August 04, 2007

KRS1 @ Prospect Park

I caught a free hip hop concert in Prospect Park (Brooklyn) with my friends Angel and Kwasi tonight. I had some meetings in Manhattan prior to the show, and got out to the event a little after my boy Blitz the Ambassador already delivered his set (Sorry Blitz!). I heard he did a good job. I was bummed that I missed it, but my spirits lifted real fast because KRS1 went on stage moments after I arrived.

The crowd was hyped. It was large with much variety. Tons of old school cats 40s plus... And a good deal of younger people too. They showed KRS a lot of love, and were highly energized throughout his set.

I really appreciated KRS 1's performance. The one thing that sticks out in my mind the most, is when he described what his life was like prior to 1985, when he was homeless. He said this concert, tonight, is one of the most emotionally charged performances of his life, because he remembers that over 20 years ago, he was sleeping on a bench in Prospect Park only a few meters away from where he is now standing. He said, he would dream every night that one day he would be in the very same park performing in front of an audience of people who respected him. And he said to us that he is finally living his dream.

His lyrics were very powerful. I jotted down a few of his words that I found particularly meaningful:


Every night
Before you sleep...
See your future.

See. Your. Future.


Don't be afraid to dream.

Find your purpose.
And you will understand the purpose of the universe.

What seems to be impossible to others,
will be possible to you.

- KRS1

KRS has reached an enlightened state. His MC ability is unprescidented. And he is regarded by many fans of hip hop as one of the best, if not the best MCs of all time.

In my journey, I've met several blessed people who have managed to achieve the highest forms of human potential. Virtuosic musicians, world champion athletes, consummate professionals, super geniuses, whatever they may be, they all share one thing in common: They found their purpose in the world, and pour their entire being into it.

Once you discover your purpose in the universe, you unlock an energy deep within you that will flow out into the world like a constant stream. You emit an aura that people around you will subconsciously sense. And after a while you become a magnet for other people who also understand their purpose. This is how these people like KRS1 realised their great potential. It's beautiful because it proves to me that all humans are somehow connected in their universal design.

To truly live your life, you must find your purpose, and then be your purpose. To find your purpose, you need to understand yourself. Therefore, life is a journey of self discovery.

In my experiences as a professional photographer, a filmmaker, a professional video game player, a kid trying to get into college, a guy trying to get a date, a boxer trying to knock someone out, someone who just wants to eat something, I came to learn that competition is inherent to the human condition, just as it is inherent in nature. We compete to survive. But I don't feel competition should breed negative energy, animosity or jealousy. People and experiences provide you with valuable mirrors for you to reflect upon, and competition is an opportunity to learn more about yourself.

KRS's concert was inspiring. And free on top of everything. If you ever have a chance to catch him live, do yourself a favor and go check him out.

After the concert, I headed out and chilled with Angel for a bit to catch up. (I used to go to school with Angel when we were little kids). Then I met up with Kwasi, and grabbed some food. Our friend Adam joined us. Adam's a writer who just wrote the cover story of the current Village Voice ("Death of Disco"). Kwasi and I each found a copy of the Voice, and had him autograph it for us right there in the restaurant (lol).

With full bellies, everyone then headed over to South Paw on 5th avenue (Brooklyn) for the after party. But I have to get up early tomorrow to box. And I already know what happens when I try to box without getting a good night's sleep. Horrible. Horrible things. So I said good bye and called it a night.

South Paw is about a 20 minute walk to my place, so I decided to hoof it. While I was walking, I passed a couple that looked lost. I approached them, and noticed that they were talking to each other in French. So I said, "Je parle un petite peux du Francais." Which means, "I speak a little French." They smiled, and started saying a lot of things in French that I didn't really understand. I then realised that the last time I spoke French was in high school, and I really can't seem to remember much at all. (Woops).

I fessed up and said in English, "I'm sorry I don't understand." They replied in English, "That's ok. We're just lost and looking for the 2 train." We all laughed. And I said, "I'm passing a 2 train station on my way home. I'll walk you to it." So I had company while walking home, which was nice. They turned out to be tourists visiting from France for a few weeks. I spoke with them a bit about my high school semester abroad in French village of Ornan. We had a good time. I saw them safely to their subway. We didn't exchange our names or information, but in parting they told me that they love NYC.

Ok. Now I'm going to sleep. So I can wake up early to punch stuff. Good night.


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