Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby Fight Club

I'm all for children playing sports. But full contact muay thai kickboxing for 5 year olds?
Well it seems that thats the new hot sport to watch in the UK.

Wow. This is pretty fucked. There are age regulations for traditional western boxing in the UK, but not for Muay Thai boxing. And the practice of children engaging in sanctioned Muay Thai fights has a long history in Thailand. So its simply continuing now, unchallenged.

Here's a video of child kickboxers. Watch it, if you can handle it. Its more of a simulation, exhibition. But still brutal to watch non the less. And the little fighters are very good actually, and very tough. They look really cute when doing all the moves. But just the thought of kids doing flying elbows and roundhouse kicks to the face... madness.


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